Help Docs

Customize Report

You can customize your reports to suit your needs; specify percentiles, adjust foreground and background colors, include tags, and do even more. All your changes will be reflected in your customers' reports.

How to customize reports

  1. Log in to your Site24x7 MSP account.
  2. Click Admin > Report Settings > Customize Report.
  3. Update the following details on the Customize Report page:
    • Title Background color: Choose the appropriate color from the color picker to set the background color for the reports.
    • Title Foreground color: Choose the appropriate color from the color picker to set the foreground color for the reports.
    • In reports, treat monitors as up during maintenance period: Enabling this option will automatically treat all the maintenance periods as uptime in the reports.
    • Include Tags in Reports: Toggle to Yes to include tags in your reports.
    • Decimal digits of precision for availability percentage: Choose the decimal digits of precision you prefer for the availability percentage values used in the reports. For instance, two digits of precision can give a value of 99.91%, three digits of precision may show 99.991%, and four digits of precision may correspond to 99.9931%.
    • Percentiles: Percentiles help you identify performance trends in your reports. Choose the preferred percentile. The default percentile selected is the 95th percentile. You can specify a number in the last percentile box by clicking the pencil Pencil Icon icon.
  4. Click the Preview link to view your reports.
  5. Click Save to save your customized reports.

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Manage your report settings for your customers.

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